siempre la misma...
vos cagaste todo.
Siempre vas a saber q ella puso de su parte y vos estabas tan metida en lo tuyo q ni cuenta te diste. Ves q sos egoísta... y dps crees q sos victima de tus actividades, vos te creas victima.
A ver para cuando te desprendes de esto y avanzas hacia algo mas sano, no? algo q no te dañe ni haga q te quieras dañar... es hora de tomar una decision valiosa, nueva, sensata, solitaria, y tan importante como solo vos sabes q es...
Sí, es hora.
I remember that we were driving,
driving in my car,
so fast the car that we could fly away,
But, I - had a feeling that I belonged,
I - had a feeling I'd be someone,
be someone.
driving in my car,
so fast the car that we could fly away,
But, I - had a feeling that I belonged,
I - had a feeling I'd be someone,
be someone.